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Yilki Guludun Tagai 

Law and Bio-Cultural Knowledge

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Bio-Cultural Knowledge

You may have heard the term traditional knowledge, or Bama/Islander cultural knowledge. A more recent term recognising this knowledge is Indigenous Biocultural Knowledge (IBK), ‘knowledge that encompasses people, language and culture, and their relationship to the environment’.  Our services ultimately seek to put people and culture back into the environment.

You may have heard the term traditional knowledge or Bama/Islander cultural knowledge. A more recent term recognising this knowledge is Indigenous Biocultural Knowledge (IBK), a knowledge that encompasses people, language and culture, and their relationship to the environment.  Our services ultimately seek to put people and culture back into the environment.

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Cultural Transmission of Knowledge

For thousands of years, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have lived on and managed this country, shaping the landscapes and environments, and adapting to changing climates. The knowledge that has been accumulated through intimate and sustained connections to the land and waters has been passed down orally through generations, existing in stories, paintings, song and dance. 

Traditional science often ignores the wealth of knowledge that Indigenous people get from their land. Much can be gained by learning from Traditional Owners if done in a respectful and culturally appropriate way. Gerry Turpin is is an unique position having a foot in both worlds.

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Importance of Indigenous Bio-Cultural Knowledge

The mass extinction of both language and species has given rise to a global movement with the aim of maintaining and revitalising language, culture and biological diversity. Language, land and culture is interdependent.  YGT will embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages into everything.  This will lead to unlocking the secrets of their local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander biocultural ecosystems.

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Our Bio-Cultural Education Courses 

YGT’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Biocultural Knowledge courses and classes provide participants with a host of benefits.  Fundamental benefits from looking after Country including the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual health and wellbeing of people, and showcases the responsibility, magnificence and beauty of our cultures and Country.   We are committed to working with our learners to create a culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Excellence.

Acknowledgement to Country
YGT Law & Biocultural Knowledge anf YGT Yimbalji acknowledge our own Traditional Owner Groups and Country, and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, of where we live and work, respecting and celebrating their culture, history, diversity, and their deep connection to Country.

We respect our cultures by continuing the physical and spiritual knowledge, customs, and practices of our people.  Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Law, Consulting and Biocultural Knowledge services are deliberately focused on respect for culture by providing a means to pass our knowledge, customs, and practices to the next generation for the wellbeing of our people, culture and country.

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© 2022 created by Yilki Guludun Tagai Law & Biocultural Knowledge.

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